My entry to Collage Obsession challenge:
the original & my version
At the Threshold
vor 17 Stunden
Artists make collage and people love collage because it speaks to the time we live in. It is no surprise that collage tends to peak during times when society is trying to figure itself out. Ric Kasini Kadour, the editor of the Kolaj magazine ✂️
11 Kommentare:
Love it!
WOW, Marie has gone totally crazy! I like your collage, very creative. :)
Jó lett!!!
És micsoda profi hivatkozás...:)
toooooo funny!! great imagination!!!
This is the coolest Marie I've ever seen! Love her!
Voilà une interprétation bien originale du thème !
Pauvre Marie !Elle a beaucoup changé !!!:-)
Amicalement Mary.KG
Fabulously funny!! love your take on the theme!! very cool Marie bird!!
Fantastic collage, and such humour!
Wow, what a chick, fantastic collage!
Bravo your collage is fantastic
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